TL;DR: We can use lessons learned in the pandemic to make improvements on professional development (PD). Improve PD by focusing on lifelong learning, considering an EdCamp or Facebook PD, or attending a Twitter chat. So in the words of the #EduDuctTape podcast, I am about to get out my soapbox. How many times have you sat at a staff meeting … Read More
5 Out of the Box Ways to Engage TEACHERS in Professional Development
In This Post: As a Student Learning Coach, providing meaningful professional development for my teachers is so important. There are 5 out of the box ways to engage teachers in PD. What better way to guide discussions than by leading with the students? Inviting students in and having teachers watch drives engagement. Google Classroom isn’t limited to your class, it … Read More
Breaking Down Why District Initiatives Break Down
In This Post: The sad truth is, most district initiatives fail. There are common mistakes that are typically to blame for district initiatives failing, and they can be avoided. Start small, plan long-term, involve all stakeholders, provide follow-up, and choose the right provider, and you’ll be off to a better start, with your initiative much more likely to succeed. We’ve … Read More