Using Words to Cultivate Classroom Community

Teach Better TeamBlog, Engage Better, Manage Better

In This Post: The value of words to build classroom community. One activity to cultivate a meaningful, positive classroom community. The importance of keeping your classroom community strong. Words are powerful. Powerful in the way they are strung together to say something, in the tone and demeanor in which they sound or look, and in the way they can make … Read More

Waiting to Have “Those Conversations” Is Hurting Students

Rae HughartBlog, Lesson Plan Better, Personalize Student Learning Better

In This Post The importance of conversations about our students’ futures. Helping our classrooms become avenues for discovering passion & practical uses for it! Using your content to help students find their futures. Growing up, learning was a struggle. I moved throughout my day feeling as if I was walking through a fog of confusion. While most of my classes … Read More

Differentiate the Learning Not the Assignments

Kristen KoppersBlog, Lesson Plan Better, Personalize Student Learning Better

In This Post: Identify how to differentiate learning experiences versus only modifying assignments. See an example of how to differentiate your lesson instead of the materials or activities. Lighten your workload! Modify your instruction for all students to succeed instead of differentiating materials for each unique learner. Many times, we think of Differentiated Instruction (DI) as a method to make … Read More

3 Ways to Focus on the “Why” Instead of the “What” – Building Deeper Meaning in Learning

Teach Better TeamBlog, Engage Better, Grade Better, Innovate Better, Lesson Plan Better, Mastery Done Better

In this post: How to move from “What” to “Why” Dive into DoK to deepen the learning Just ask! The power of asking your students “Why” Don’t rob students of the chance to discover and go deeper Ban “What” From Your Classroom Education has long been far too focused on the acquisition of information and learning how to follow algorithms … Read More