Flexible Seating Stories From a Non-Flexible Teacher

Teach Better TeamBlog, Innovate Better, Manage Better

Image of chairs with text on top of image.

In This Post: The flexible seating movement has been going strong for a while now. There is a big misconception that the optimal learning environment requires kids to sit in desks with hard chairs. Flexible Seating Does Not Equal No Structure Not all teachers are the same Get out of your comfort zone. Even if flexible seating is too much, … Read More

Level Up Your Classroom With Gamification

Mary Ellen RileyEngage Better, Innovate Better, Lesson Plan Better, Manage Better, Tech Better

Level Up Your Classroom With Gamification

In This Post: Consider gamification to level-up your classroom. Gamification is simply adding game elements to something that is not a game. Students love games and may be more engaged, and more likely to retain the information when gamified. Several examples of tools to gamify any unit. Ready to make your school year memorable (in a good way)? Want to … Read More

28 Ways to Instantly Help a Colleague Feel Better

Allyson ApseyBlog, Lead Better

Our work is hard, and it is harder some days than others. It is harder some years than others. The best schools I have ever been to are comprised of staff who lift each other up, who make our hard work a joy (most days), and who are there for each other always. Have you ever approached a colleague feeling … Read More

Dear Desk, It’s Not You, It’s Me: Promoting Student Agency

Teach Better TeamBlog, Innovate Better, Lesson Plan Better, Manage Better, Mastery Done Better, Personalize Student Learning Better

Promoting Student Agency

In This Post: After removing a desk from our learning space, my students reacted with excitement. My realization was that I was too focused on how I saw things, and not on how THEY see them. This lead to 5 pedagogical shifts to promote student agency. In a lonely corner of an elementary classroom stood an oversized wooden desk. Its … Read More