Using Household Tech to Project Your Teacher Voice

Teach Better TeamBlog, Innovate Better, Tech Better

TL;DR: It can be difficult for students to hear you through a mask and face shield in a virtual setting. You can use common devices around your house and classroom to prevent this issue. This post includes a step by step guide for using settings on your Windows 10 device to project your teacher voice. Remember, if you are using … Read More

Addressing Creativity and Wellness with Your Students

Sean ThompsonBlog, Engage Better, Lesson Plan Better

TL;DR: Kahoot teaches and reinforces understandings. Vector graphics give students an outlet to share how their daily lives are going, and lead to open discussions with individuals and/or classes. Educators can examine data from surveys in Google Data Studio to track wellness over time. Last school year was one like no other before. We spent our summer uncertain as to … Read More