Why Gradeless? Breaking Free From Grades

Mike SzczepanikBlog, Engage Better, Grade Better, Innovate Better, Mastery Done Better, Reflect Better

TL;DR: Our grading habits can be inconsistent and have limited value in the learning process. The extrinsic motivation of grades often limits our students’ drive for deeper learning. Going gradeless is not a simple process, but a worthy one to help students reflect, listen to feedback, and grow. In traditional education systems, grades have long been the primary measure of … Read More

Intelligence Doesn’t Have to Be Artificial

Aaron ElseBlog, Engage Better, Innovate Better, Lesson Plan Better

TL;DR: AI is changing education, but is that bad? Students have the capability to look up information at their fingertips. Embrace the technology of today and offer your students authentic learning experiences. Artificial intelligence is about to change how we do everything in education. This is terrifying to a lot of educators. They fear students won’t learn at the same … Read More