Turning Challenges Into Solutions Through Mindfulness

Janel SebenyBlog, Connect Better, Manage Better, Reflect Better, Self Care Better, Teach Happier

TL;DR: Introducing mindfulness in the classroom can transform student behavior and teacher-student relationships. Focusing on social and emotional learning helps students manage their emotions and improves classroom climate. Teachers should prioritize self-care and continuously seek new strategies to enhance the learning environment. Picture this. You are incredibly excited to share an activity you think your students are going to love, … Read More

Want a Better Classroom? Get to Know Your Students

Dan ThomasBlog, Connect Better, Engage Better

TL;DR: Educators face growing challenges engaging a generation with abundant distractions and information. Building meaningful connections with students is essential for their success. Strategies for connecting with students include greeting them warmly, establishing classroom expectations, looking for shared interests, incorporating playfulness, communicating with parents, and attending extracurricular events. Prioritize kindness, respect, and building connections over strict curriculum adherence to foster … Read More

4 Ways to Nurture Your Teacher-Student Relationships

Bridget GenglerBlog, Connect Better, Engage Better

TL;DR: Recognition Matters: To ensure students feel valued, learn and use their names correctly from day one. Names are an important part of their identity. Warm Welcomes: Greet students at the door with personalized gestures, like high fives or hugs, setting a positive tone and reinforcing that they are loved. Encourage Expression: Create opportunities for students to share their voices … Read More

Stay Connected This WINTER!

Teach Better TeamBlog, Connect Better, Engage Better

TL;DR: This winter, take time for yourself and stay connected with others! Celebrate and embrace the diversity and differences we have as human beings. All teachers know that as we work hard, it is so important for us to take a break from work so we come back refreshed after enjoying some downtime. Our winter break may consist of Christmas … Read More

We’re All a Part of the Bigger Picture: Support Each Other

Dana GoodierBlog, Connect Better, Lead Better

TL;DR: Having meaningful relationships with your coworkers is important. Co-teachers should find time to collaborate and support one another. Build relationships with your department or grade-level teams. Reach out to your administration with any questions or needs. Administrators, check in with your teachers and offer encouragement. We are all in this together and have a common goal. There are many … Read More