3 Things Principals Should KNOW In Your Classroom Observation

Chad OstrowskiBlog, Lesson Plan Better, Mastery Done Better

In This Post: Tips to always be ready for a principal observation! The three important questions your principal (or anyone) wants answered in a classroom visit. The importance of regular procedures for your classroom and your students. Ways to help students be aware of their learning goals, assessment, and procedures. That moment when…  It’s last period, you’re fighting off a … Read More

Breaking Down Why District Initiatives Break Down

Chad OstrowskiBlog, Lead Better, Professional Development

Breaking Down Why District Initiatives Break Down - Chad Ostrowski

In This Post: The sad truth is, most district initiatives fail. There are common mistakes that are typically to blame for district initiatives failing, and they can be avoided. Start small, plan long-term, involve all stakeholders, provide follow-up, and choose the right provider, and you’ll be off to a better start, with your initiative much more likely to succeed. We’ve … Read More

The Missing Piece in Your Classroom Management Plan

Chad OstrowskiBlog, Engage Better, Innovate Better, Manage Better

The Missing Piece in Your Classroom Management Plan

In This Post: Many teachers, when they hear the term “classroom management,” think of things like rules, procedures, behavior, or tricks they’ve learned over the years. There is one component that is oddly overlooked. When you work WITH students, instead of against them, the entire equation changes. Define roles and expectations for both you and your students, talk about why … Read More

5 Ways to DESTROY Intrinsic Motivation in your Students

Chad OstrowskiBlog, Engage Better, Innovate Better, Lesson Plan Better, Manage Better, Mastery Done Better

5 Ways to DESTROY Intrinsic Motivation in Your Students

In this post: Intrinsic motivation is a powerful tool. Intrinsically motivated students are typically more able to overcome challenges Here are a few ways you can destroy intrinsic motivation in your classroom: Not providing students with ownership Not removing fear from your classroom Not being authentic Not building relationships Not focusing on learning Intrinsic motivation is a powerful tool that, … Read More

Progress Monitoring for Mastery Learning

Chad OstrowskiBlog, Innovate Better, Manage Better, Mastery Done Better, Video(s)

Watch video: Progress monitoring for mastery learning.

 Video Highlights Chad Ostrowski (@chadostrowski) breaks down progress monitoring in a mastery learning classroom. Progress monitoring can be your greatest tool to help manage mastery learning, hold your students accountable, and know what they need and when they need it. There are several ways you can monitor progress in your classroom, including tech and non-tech options. Progress monitoring needs … Read More