Activating Agency to Grow Readers

Natalie Vardabasso#EduCrush Podcast

Why do so many teenagers hate reading? Renowned author and Literacy advocate Penny Kittle believes it has everything to do with a lack of “book love” and that teachers have the capacity to ignite it. On the episode, she connects with Natalie to discuss how to expose students to a wide variety of books, conference to unlock the reading life, … Read More

Engage in Reading Madness!

Bobbie FrenchBlog, Connect Better, Engage Better

TL;DR: Tournament brackets are a great way to engage students in school. March is the perfect time to use brackets for a book tournament. Holding a March Madness tournament for books in your school can be highly engaging and involve all of your students and the community. Let’s Get Ready to Rumble…. OK, maybe not rumble exactly….   Let’s Get Ready … Read More

What Are Book Deserts?

Teach Better TeamBlog, Connect Better, Engage Better

TL;DR: A book desert is defined as a “geographic area with limited access to age-appropriate books, print materials and reading culture.”  Reading requires time and access to materials. Students have a right to quality, diverse, and robust selections of books. Consider representation in reading materials. Readers who can see themselves in books are more likely to pick up more books. What is … Read More