Episode 20 | Featuring Alix Maffin-Pirie

Brad HughesGood News Brad News Podcast

Alix Maffin-Pirie is an enthusiastic English Language Arts teacher in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada. She is a proud firefighter’s wife, rescue-dog mama, lover of the outdoors, board games, corny jokes, and a life long learner. Alix knew from a young age she wanted to be a teacher. Perhaps playing “classroom” in her basement was the first clue she’d found her calling! … Read More

Evaluating EdTech, Content, and Other Classroom Tools

Teach Better TeamBlog, Engage Better, Grade Better, Innovate Better, Lead Better

TL;DR: Assessing Content in Education Systems (ACES) is a strategy for evaluating educational content created by the author of this post. ACES is based on four key spectrums: active or anchored, creation or consumption, educational or entertainment, and social or solo. Knowing how to assess content is a foundational skill, especially because the technical aspects change often in our fast-paced … Read More

Evolving Roles of Educators

Teach Better TeamBlog, Connect Better, Engage Better

TL;DR: Strong emotions come to those who visit the country of their ancestors. There is a lot to observe during your visit. Acknowledge that history has a way of influencing the present like in foods and music. Learning about our own culture helps us embrace diversity and different opinions and points of views. VISUALIZE that we as educators, by staying … Read More

Why Mental Health Matters for Teachers

Teach Better TeamBlog, Manage Better, Reflect Better

TL;DR: Being an educator comes with a big investment of time, energy, responsibility, and resources. That’s why mental health matters for teachers. You are worth investing in you because you are you. You are challenged to pursue ideas for mental health and to try it. The best thing you can offer your students is the healthiest version of ourselves. We … Read More