EP59: Do Comic Books Count as Reading?

The Staff Room PodcastStaff Room Podcast

In Episode 59, Chey and Pav talk about Comic books – and how important they can potentially be in our reading programs!

Chey and Pav welcome Dr. Frank Rudnesky, Educator and Disruptor from Southern New Jersey for their 3 Enlightened Minutes Segment.

Check out Frank in all the following spaces:

Twitter: @DrFrankRud
Web: https://inspire-leadership.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DrFrankRud
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drfrankrud/?hl=en


The Drive with Chey & Pav on Voice Ed Radio: https://voiced.ca/project/the-drive-with-chey-and-pav/

Chey and Pav are a part of the School Rubric team: https://schoolrubric.com/publications/articles/perspectives/item/105-the-staffroom-podcast-with-chey-and-pav-an-origin-story



Stay in touch with Chey and Pav Through Email and Social Media

Email: [email protected]

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/staffroompodcast/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the_staff_room_podcast/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/StaffPodcast



Pav Twitter: @PavWander Chey Twitter: @Mrccheney


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