Ep. 61 – Planet Bonehead’s Optimistic Message with Bobby Donohue

Tim StephensonScience 360 Podcast

How do you take a solid background in engineering and design; combine it with creativity in writing, art, and music; and use it to solve the problems you see in education and environmentalism? If you’re Bobby Donohue, then you make a cartoon about boneheads, of course. And it seems to be working.

When his two kids were little, he realized he wanted to do his part to make sure he was leaving them a planet that was in better shape than he found it. So he created Planet Bonehead to inspire and empower a new generation of master stewards for our one and only planet Earth.

He introduces kids to the amazing advancements and optimism he sees in environmental science and green technology.

Links to Bobby’s work:
Planet Bonehead: https://planetbonehead.com/ (FREE to join)
Work with Bobby to share your environmental work,
OR to sponsor teachers: https://fuelblue.com/Kids
Greentech Podcast: https://planetbonehead.com/kgt
Connect with Bobby on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/bobbydonohue/

How do you take a creative talent and combine it with a desire to educate kids with an optimistic message of hope in an era of climate crisis? Good question! Listen Bobby Donahue's answer #tbpodcaster Share on X


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