A Lesson for World Ocean’s Week

Tim StephensonScience 360 Podcast

Back in the summer of 2018, I was kayaking in Johnstone Strait on the north coast of Vancouver Island. Being passionate about education and the oceans, I took the chance to teach my fellow kayakers about the plight of the oceans.

I edited it and am using it for this week’s podcast. This is World Ocean Week and I’d like anyone with the opportunity to teach, to use some of what you might learn here about the oceans and share with your students. This is critical information and as teachers, we have to be willing to inform and share what we learn in order to have a positive impact on the future.

I hope what you hear in this episode will help you teach your student about this critical topic…the health of our oceans.

Some say that Earth should be renamed Ocean. As the health of the oceans go, so goes the health of the planet. Perhaps we should be teaching our students about this. Share on X


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