Ep. 43 – World Issues Day with JKE Students

Tim StephensonScience 360 Podcast

In this episode, you will hear the results of a library research day attended by two Grade 6 and 7 classes from a nearby elementary school. I hosted over 50 of them in our high school library where we taught them about online resources, file sharing, collaboration and content creation in print and audio.

I gave the students several topics to pick from for their research. So in this episode, I reflect on the process, we then listen to the students’ recordings, and I follow up with some comments. My final analysis is process over product wins the day. The content they produced was good, but the process to arrive at that content was fantastic.

Don’t be afraid to let students have the time needed to process. I know you could get them there faster, but the quality of the result depends on a slow simmer sometimes. So listen and be impressed by what these students cooked up.

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