Ep. 80 – Einstein: The Man and His Mind with Dr. Gary Berger

Tim StephensonScience 360 Podcast

This episode is becoming one of my favourite recordings. I think the reason is because, through this discussion with Dr. Berger, I feel like I’ve gotten to know Albert Einstein like I never have before. Or maybe it’s because as a result of my new connection to Gary, I am now the proud recipient of his brilliant book! As I descibe it, it’s as much a work of art as it is a pictorial biogrpahy of Einstein.

As a science teacher, I subscribe to the theory that the work of a scientist becomes better if I know something about the scientist. It’s like knowing the personal side of your favourite singer or football player. With a backstory, I am far more likley to enjoy watching the game or listening to the song.

Students today need this sort of connection. They’re connected in every other aspect of their lives, so let’s make learning science come alive by connecting them to people like Albert Einstein. Just think of the names we mention all the time: Stephen Hawking, Isaac Newton, Galileo…but who were these people and what motivated them? I make it my goal to teach these aspects of science to my students and I hope you do too.

Here is a link to purchase Gary’s book:

And for interest sake and because all proceeds from the book are being donated to the
Albert Einstein Archives at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, here is a link to that as well:

Connecting your students to the scientist behind the science is highly recommended. And it makes great sense to start with Albert Einstein. Listen to this episode of Science360 and get to know the Man and His Mind Share on X


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