Ep. 42 – With Knowing Comes Caring with Craig Leeson

Tim StephensonScience 360 Podcast

Craig Leeson is an international film-maker/journalist/adventurer and director of the Netflix film “A Plastic Ocean”. He joined me for this episode to discuss his perspective on the state of plastic pollution, climate, COP26 and the future of our planet.

Craig has another film coming out on IMAX in March ’22. It’s called “The Last Glaciers” and highlights the reality of climate change by filming on location of some of the world’s largest glaciers, from the alpine summit of the Alps to the Antarctic and Greenland. This will be a very important documentary containing essential information for educators.

You should follow Craig and all that he is involved with on the social media platforms. And why should you? Because he is providing riveting and relevant information that needs to be brought to the classrooms of the world. Our climate issues won’t fix themselves. They need motivated, curious and educated young people to emerge from the schools inspired and equipped to make a difference and bring about change. I’m proud to be an educator with the opportunity to effect change on the planet and affect the future through my students. Craig Leeson does the same through film. Our goals are one and the same: with knowing comes caring and with caring comes change.

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The legacy I want to leave is a healthy future for the next generation, and that's what I'm fighting for...I've enjoyed the planet up to this point and it would be awfully selfish of me not to provide the same for young people Share on X



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