Effecting Environmental Change with a Positive Message with Lilly Woodbury

Tim StephensonScience 360 Podcast

Lilly is one of a growing number of people I’ve come to know and respect who now reside on the west coast of Vancouver Island. Lilly combines an incredible knowledge of environmental issues with formal education, a passionate desire to effect change, and an incredible ability to communicate so clearly her mission and love for the planet.

Lilly is the manager of the Pacific Rim chapter of Surfrider and takes every chance she can to speak to people about the state of the planet, the climate issues, plastic pollution and any other topic that is a concern to our future on Earth.

People like Lilly need to be heard. Her message is poignant yet down to Earth. Young people in schools today need to spend time listening to what she has to say. If enough of them do, we can all have hope for cleaner, more sustainable future. Please share this one widely…it’s that good!

Follow Lilly on Instagram: @lillywoodbury

Are we disconnected from the natural world? No, it's a misperception because what we are is dissociated. Students need to get outdoors and be immersed in the ecosystems we study and interact with it. Share on X


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