This is a re-run of my first interview on Science360, from back in the spring of 2020. I’ve been re-listening to a few of these and I really feel they hold a lot of value, but most of my listeners won’t have heard the older episodes.
In this talk, Chris explains the whole life cycle of the salmon, an integral species to the Pacific Northwest. He describes their relationship to the whole ecosystem and how human interactions have had a negative effect on their viability.
I am a strong believer that education should be highly relevant, informative and worth remembering. This topic, explained by Chris, is all of that. It’s what I try to provide on this podcast. You’ve heard of salmon, probably eaten some, but can you speak confidently about it with your students? I hope after listening to this, you will be able to.
Teach the science curriculum: YES Teach the science curriculum with purpose, meaning, relevance, place-based: DOUBLE YES Here is an example using Salmon Share on X