Ep. 55 – Talk Science Education with Becky Schnekser and Holly Stuart

Tim StephensonScience 360 Podcast

One of the wonderful things about the PLN is getting to expand your horizons and meet teachers from all sorts of places. It was through connections, largely coming out of my work with the Teach Better Team, that I “met” Becky and Holly. Being super impressed by their work, as viewed through Twitter and Teach Better blogs and Becky’s book, they seemed like a natural fit to have on the podcast.

But speaking to them for selfish reasons and my own personal enjoyment were not the only reasons I set this up. I wanted to hold this conversation up as an example of how teaching ought to be. Full of love for the subject, getting a thrill out of learning new things yourself, and finding joy in bringing the relevance and meaning and purpose to our students. I knew that these would take centre stage in a conversation with Becky and Holly and I was not disappointed.

Let me encourage everyone to find your “team”. Being strong on your own in the classroom is not a sign of strength and reaching out to find energy from others is not a sign of weakness. I love listening to these two and speaking with them and finding commonalities in the way we teach. I hope you can relate to our conversation and that this episode helps you where you are at. And reach out to any of us, because we would actually love to have you join us in more of this sort of stimulating conversation.

Find Becky’s book here: https://www.amazon.com/Expedition-Science-Empowering-Learners-Exploration/dp/1951600827/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1NZX9STYONJNI&keywords=expedition+science&qid=1652056830&sprefix=expedition+science%2Caps%2C154&sr=8-1

Becky is on Twitter at @schnekser
Holly is on Twitter at @hollyastuart

Teaching science CAN be this way. Listen in to this inspiring conversation and bathe in the infectious enthusiasm of these two amazing teachers Share on X


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