Superintendent, James DiDonato, chats with us about preparing students for the future, connecting with your community, and being an educational geek.
James talks about keeping our passion and excitement for learning, bringing students into the real world right now, and why you need to just keep at it with kids until you help them get there.
'Failures are sometimes meant to build you up...sometimes they're meant to be, because that's really not the door that you were supposed to open.' - @jamesedidonato from episode 116 of #TeachBetterTalk #Podcast #TeachBetter Share on XEpisode Highlights
- 2:48 – We talk about our weekends
- Did you know Jeff DJ’s weddings and is ordained?
- Rae worked with a group of teachers going through our FREE Teach Better Book Study.
- Want to get involved? Connect with the AMAZINg Katie Norton (@MrsNortonKinder) or head over to our Facebook Page to catch our live book study sessions.
- 9:45 – Previewing the episode with James DiDonato.
- 13:37 – James introduces himself
- 17:10 – James’ failure: Failing to get a principal’s position.
- 20:35 – James’ success: When he was a multiple disabilities teacher. Building the program up. Working with kids and getting them to succeed in reading.
- 23:08 – What’s got James excited about education right now: Bringing the school and the community together.
- 26:49 – James’ advice for new teachers: Keep learning. Keep growing.
- 29:27 – 6 questions answered in 15 seconds or less.
- 33:05 – How to connect with James.
James’s Recommendations
- EdTech Tool: Anything Google
- Book: “Learning from Lincoln: Leadership Practices for School Successz” by Harvey Alvy and Pam Robbins.
- Who to Follow on Twitter:
- YouTube/Podcast/Website/Blog: Go search for things.
- Daily/Weekly/Monthly Routine: Prayer, Learning, Healthy habits.
- Best piece of advice you’ve ever received: You can’t make people happy.
Links to Connect With James
- Twitter: @jamesedidonato