92: Mic Drop Moments – Brianna Shaner chats with us about staying true to yourself, stepping outside of your comfort zone, and looking for your “mic drop moments.”

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Brianna Shaner chats with us about staying true to yourself, stepping outside of your comfort zone, and looking for your “mic drop moments.”

Brianna talks about trying new things, the importance of focusing on your strengths, and why we all need to embrace the “suck.”

'That's the only place you're ever going to grow, when you step outside that comfort box.' - @brianna_shaner from episode 92 of #TeachBetterTalk #Podcast #TeachBetter Share on X

Episode Highlights

  • 0:32 – Shoutout to Rachelle Dene Poth for Rae’s descriptive word.
  • 1:16 – Talking about the craziness of the start of the year, and advocating for yourself when you need support.
  • 7:32 – Jeff tells a story…because Jeff tells stories…
  • 9:28 – Previewing the episode with Brianna Shaner.
  • 12:16 – Brianna introduces herself.
  • 14:05 – Brianna’s failure: Spending time trying to create the perfect “show” for an evaluation, and not staying true to herself. It fell flat. A  student  actually said “Ms. Shaner, this lesson is not going well.”
  • 16:49 – Brianna’s success: “Mic drop moment.” Working with a student with severe anxiety. Student wouldn’t even come into a classroom. Having that student take the initiative to go across the room to help another student.
  • 19:28 – What’s got Brianna excited about education right now: The push for personalized education.
  • 23:12 – Brianna’s advice for teachers: Make a list of your strengths in the classroom. From there, think about your goals. Celebrate your goals.
  • 27:42 – Tools Brianna uses for setting goals, planning, and reflecting.
  • 29:04 – 6 questions answered in 15 seconds or less.
  • 32:10 – How to connect with Brianna.

Brianna’s Recommendations

  • EdTech Tool: Flipgrid for student use and Flocabulary for content based technology.
  • Book: Above the Line” by Urban Meyer
  • Who to Follow: @burgessdave @loveandlogic
  • YouTube/Podcast/Website/Blog: Focus3.com and cultofpedagogy.com
  • Daily/Weekly/Monthly Routine: Feet up Friday- Not as a way to post a picture of your cute shoes on Instagram, but as a reminder to sit back and reflect on the week you had and what you have coming up. Truly taking time to reflect and not just “reflecting” while you are running around making last minute copies.
  • Best piece of advice you’ve ever received: Embrace the “suck.”

Links to Connect With Brianna


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