Finding Success for Tomorrow, the Night Before

Lindsay TitusBlog, Self Care Better, Teach Happier

TL;DR: When we understand how the thoughts we are thinking lead to the actions we are taking, this is when transformative change happens. Thinking better is a process that we grow and learn from every day. Enhance your evening routine to set you up for success the very next day! When it comes to thinking better, one thing I think … Read More

Find Success During This Pandemic

Martin SilvermanBlog, Lead Better, Teach Happier

TL;DR: Find success during this pandemic by accepting that things are not normal, prioritizing self-care, and extending grace.  Self-care is not a myth. You need to allow yourself to unwind and turn school off for a while. We all need to extend grace to ourselves, to our students, and to our families. An Elevated Level of Stress One of the … Read More

It’s TIME to REDEFINE What REST Means for YOU!

Lindsay TitusBlog, Self Care Better, Teach Happier

TL;DR: Consider what rest looks like for you; what do you consider relaxing? Be proactive with setting aside time for rest every day. Rest with intention by reconnecting from within, embracing your inner joy, simplifying your priorities, and trust in the timing. Whenever I heard the word rest, I immediately always felt jealous. An immediate “that must be nice” thought … Read More

The Time is NOW to Advance Teacher-Leadership

Brad HughesBlog, Connect Better, Lead Better, Self Care Better, Teach Happier

TL;DR: Advance teacher-leadership by transforming yourself, mentoring, identifying needs, clearing obstacles and distractions, and focusing on self-care. NOW is the time for mentors and school leaders to challenge self-doubt, soothe despair, and invest in our teacher-leaders. The COVID-19 crisis has proven that extraordinary change can happen in a short period of time. Nearly every aspect of educational practice—planning, teaching and … Read More