Recharge, Reflect, and Rejuvenate

Suzanne RogersBlog, Reflect Better, Self Care Better, Teach Happier

TL;DR: Unplug from work and set boundaries for personal time. Recharge with hobbies and reflect on the past semester. Rejuvenate with mindfulness, healthy habits, and quality time with loved ones. It is time to recharge, reflect, and rejuvenate! Teaching is a rewarding yet demanding profession that often leaves educators mentally and physically exhausted when the holidays roll around. The break … Read More

Parent and Educator Roles in Smartphone Use

Suzanne RogersBlog, Connect Better, Lead Better, Manage Better, Self Care Better, Teach Happier

TL;DR: Encourage open conversations, set clear screen time boundaries, monitor content, and be role models for responsible phone use to support teens’ mental health. Establish classroom policies, engage students in discussions about these rules, provide non-screen alternatives, and consistently enforce the policies to create phone-free learning environments. Parents and educators working together can mitigate the negative impact of excessive phone … Read More

How Are Your EGBs?

Suzanne DaileyBlog, Connect Better, Lead Better, Self Care Better, Teach Happier

TL;DR: December marks basketball season for our family, with our son playing for multiple teams. A lesson in leadership from basketball benches: It’s not just about on-court performance; it’s about Energy Generating Behaviors (EGBs). Examples from UConn and Mizzou show how small actions, like supporting teammates, listening actively, and cheering create impactful leadership, applicable beyond the court—relevant for classrooms and … Read More

Gratitude: It’s a Super Power!

Suzanne RogersBlog, Connect Better, Lead Better, Reflect Better, Self Care Better, Teach Happier

TL;DR: Gratitude boosts emotional well-being, mental health, and fosters better relationships. Academically, gratitude enhances performance, resilience, and problem-solving skills. Practical methods like journals, kindness acts, role modeling, and discussions can instill gratitude effectively. In a fast-paced, technology-driven world, it can be easy for students to overlook the significance of gratitude. However, teaching students to be grateful is more than just … Read More