In This Post Learning targets provide the itinerary and should guarantee access for all On any journey participants need to know “where they are going, why they are going there, how they will get there, and when they will arrive…students need the answers to those same four questions to take part in their educational journey! Technology is the mapping tool … Read More
Teaching Is A Journey, Not A Destination
In This Post: Teaching is not a destination. It is a journey of growth. Reflect on what your life as a student was like. Change in the classroom won’t happen all at once. Learning should be student-centered. The Beginning Lately, I have been reflecting on my school experience. As a student, I experienced the rigid rules of Catholic school. The … Read More
Dear Desk, It’s Not You, It’s Me: Promoting Student Agency
In This Post: After removing a desk from our learning space, my students reacted with excitement. My realization was that I was too focused on how I saw things, and not on how THEY see them. This lead to 5 pedagogical shifts to promote student agency. In a lonely corner of an elementary classroom stood an oversized wooden desk. Its … Read More