How can you incorporate your community in learning? -Video Transcript Below- VIDEO TRANSCRIPT Hey guys! It’s Rae and we get to talk today about large ways to involve your community in your learning. This is like my jam! I love talking to teachers about how they can start relying on experts to really lead strong lessons in their … Read More
Personalized Learning through UDL
Personalized Learning and Universal Design for Learning (UDL) can feel like new initiatives that are just “one more thing.” When it comes down to it, though, many initiatives fit together nicely, and can help support one another. Through working with schools, districts, and teachers I’ve found that when we look at new ideas as something extra (as opposed to something … Read More
Standards-Based Grading: The Basics
Standards-Based Grading is a HOT topic right now as educators evaluate what the term “grading” means in the classroom. As grades continue to dictate a student’s ability to be accepted into a university, qualify them for specific career paths, and award financial support, administrators, teachers, and parents have begun taking a special interest in the ideal equation for a “perfect … Read More
7 Ways to Increase Student Success
As you read this you probably have a lot of ideas floating through your head about the amazing learning activities you’re going to experience with your students. Whether it is an idea you read about in an article, something a colleague of yours has tried, or an awesome PD session you’ve attended, it’s time to put those concepts into action! Regardless of … Read More
Curriculum Compacting- Six Steps to Make it Work
You now know all about the what and the why of curriculum compacting (and if you don’t check out Part 1 and Part 2 of this series). Next, it’s time to talk about how to make it actually work in your classroom with your students and your unique situation. Start at the Standards Your first step, whether you are curriculum … Read More