Feeling bitter? Write it. Then, rewrite it.

Catherine DorianBlog, Connect Better, Lead Better, Reflect Better

TL;DR: A teacher faced parental anger over a plagiarism incident and initially responded by writing it out feeling bitter and sarcastic. A colleague suggested rewriting the piece to focus on understanding parents’ frustrations and the education system’s challenges. Lesson learned: Channel bitterness into productive reflection, seek accountability from trusted colleagues, and aim for thoughtful, compassionate communication. Feeling Bitter? About midway … Read More

Sometimes Your Impact Isn’t What You Intended

Jeff GargasBlog, Connect Better, Lead Better, Reflect Better

TL;DR: Jeff ran workshops at an Arkansas conference on podcasting and social media. He emphasized the value of educators sharing their stories and impact. He unexpectedly influenced a teacher to change her teaching approach by encouraging students to share their value and stories with each other. Sometimes Your Impact Isn’t What You Intended A while back, I had the pleasure … Read More

Empowering Educators Through Podcasting

Teach Better TeamBlog, Connect Better, Lead Better

TL;DR: The post discusses the importance of showcasing the “teacher voice” in education through podcasting, exemplified by the voicEd Radio podcast hosted by Doug Peterson. The podcast provides a collaborative platform for educators to share knowledge and insights, complemented by Doug’s education blog, “doug — off the record.” This post highlights education’s transformative journey toward innovation and excellence. It also … Read More

Genius Hour: Your Solution to Student Engagement

Janel SebenyBlog, Connect Better, Differentiate Better, Engage Better, Innovate Better, Lesson Plan Better

TL;DR: Genius Hour is a powerful way to keep students engaged and excited. By allowing students to explore their passions, conduct research, and create something meaningful, Genius Hour unleashes their potential and fosters a love for learning. Reflecting on the experience and sharing their projects with others enhances students’ self-awareness, growth, and presentation skills. Genius Hour provides a high-engagement unit … Read More

Club Sandwiches and Expectations

Alex T. ValencicBlog, Connect Better, Lead Better, Manage Better

TL;DR: Replace classroom rules with classroom expectations for more clarity. The value of expectations over rigid rules draws parallels with the experience of enjoying club sandwiches with slight variations at different places. The post encourages educators to have clear expectations collaboratively set with students rather than an exhaustive list of rules. This allows for flexibility and creativity. Club Sandwiches and … Read More