TL;DR: Encouragement for any new teacher mom. A letter, some love, and a game plan for returning to work. It’s that time of the school year where some new mamas are preparing to head back to the classroom after a maternity leave. When I had my daughter, I often thought about the leave, but didn’t think much about the return. It … Read More
Starting Your Own Podcast
TL;DR: Starting your own podcast is a great way to share value with others. What you share could be the thing that helps someone else. Come up with a title, format, and cover art. Get your equipment, distribute your show, and promote like crazy! If you don’t already know, let me be the first (although I’m probably the 100th) to … Read More
A Whole New World
TL;DR: The mixed emotions with coping during quarantine. Rediscovering the “commonplace” with a new view. The truth is, an underlying anxiety has punctuated even my most positive experiences during this quarantine. A quarantine which may, in fact, still be happening by the time you read this. And though it hasn’t been all bad, I (paradoxically) sometimes feel guilty for enjoying … Read More