Kindness Week: Stretching Beyond

Carly SpinaBlog, Connect Better, Teach Happier

TL;DR: This post honors Random Acts of Kindness Day. Go beyond the week and show kindness every day to make a positive impact on others. Have students consider their spheres of influence and brainstorm ways to demonstrate gratitude. Promote kindness by taking action to express appreciation through handwritten cards left on cars, cards handed to bus drivers, and flowers handed … Read More

The Power of Empathy

Sari Goldberg McKeownBlog, Connect Better

TL;DR: This post shares the power of empathy; empathy has the power to heal and create connections. Relationships promote growth, are a source of inspiration and motivation, and allow people to share struggles and celebrations. Four attributes of empathy include perspective taking, staying out of judgment, recognizing emotion in another person, and communicating that you can recognize that emotion. I … Read More

Globally Connected Educators

Teach Better TeamBlog, Connect Better

TL;DR: Globally connected educators use experiences outside of the classroom to inspire curiosity in the classroom. The movement for global education starts with you sharing your experiences and point of views. Next time you travel, take a journal, write down your memories, and document them via photographs. Globally Connected Educators: Travel, Explore, Connect Can an educator really go on vacation … Read More

Love a Little Bit Better Valentine’s Day Blog Series

Kari PitstickBlog, Connect Better, Self Care Better, Teach Happier

Series Overview Love a little bit better this Valentine’s Day. This series features posts that share strategies for building connections with other educators, building a more positive classroom community, and taking time to appreciate yourself, too. Show kindness to your colleagues, your students, and yourself with simple steps shared in these posts! Links to Posts Building Better Colleague Relationships by … Read More

A Missing Ingredient

Elijah CarbajalBlog, Connect Better, Engage Better

TL;DR: The missing ingredient to strong classroom management isĀ building healthy relationships. Building relationships with students takes time. It won’t happen overnight, so be patient. Create positive relationships is a whole class effort, but it ultimately starts with you. The Worst Advice and the Toughest Year When I was in college I was told by multiple professors in the education department, … Read More