Winning Streaks

Steven WeberBlog, Lead Better

TL;DR: Build winning streaks in each learner by using formative assessments, providing time for metacognition daily, and making adjustments to instruction. These “winning streaks” will provide students with the ability to succeed not only this school year, but in life. During the pandemic, most students and educators focused on what was lost.  It is human nature to face a crisis … Read More

The Time is NOW to Advance Teacher-Leadership

Brad HughesBlog, Connect Better, Lead Better, Self Care Better, Teach Happier

TL;DR: Advance teacher-leadership by transforming yourself, mentoring, identifying needs, clearing obstacles and distractions, and focusing on self-care. NOW is the time for mentors and school leaders to challenge self-doubt, soothe despair, and invest in our teacher-leaders. The COVID-19 crisis has proven that extraordinary change can happen in a short period of time. Nearly every aspect of educational practice—planning, teaching and … Read More

Rethinking Leadership in a Post-Pandemic Landscape

Teach Better TeamBlog, Lead Better

TL;DR: Rethinking leadership in a post-pandemic landscape means schools should carefully consider the qualifications of future leaders. It is important to be flexible and adaptable when considering schedules for the upcoming year. Establish an ongoing dialogue to empower staff. Develop plans for mental health support to be proactive in the upcoming year. The United States has finally reached a point … Read More

Educator Support Networks

Kelly PascarellaBlog, Connect Better

TL;DR: Making connections with and learning from other educators helps lead to growth. Educator support systems are a fundamental part of growth. Make sure to ask for help or seek it out when you need it. As a full-time teacher, a mother of two boys and one more on the way, and a doctoral student preparing for the final defense … Read More

The Courage to Change Your Mind

Teach Better TeamBlog, Connect Better, Engage Better

TL;DR: Teachers of argument should encourage students to lean out of their comfort zone and explore different points of view. Listening to things we don’t readily agree with actually helps us become more informed about our own values and ideas. Several strategies like believing/doubting, belief continuums, and confirmation bias assessment help students become better at argument writing and speaking. Have … Read More