Using TikTok to Build Relationships with Teachers

Jeremy RinkelBlog, Innovate Better, Teacherpreneur Better, Tech Better

In This Post:

  • An update on TikTok from Jeremy Rinkel: The TikTok Teacher!
  • Four ways to use the TikTok app to build relationships and connect with other teachers.
  • Hashtags to follow on TikTok to find content and creators.

I am always aiming to look for useful apps that will enhance my life and also improve my education and as I continue to dive into the TikTok app, I’ve discovered that other teachers use the app and it has been very successful. While TikTok is still used by mostly teens, statistics show that adult use of the app doubled from September 2018-September 2019 with 14 million daily active users (Mohsin, 2019). This tells me it’s an untapped source for building relationships and connections with teachers!

Teachers are creating mini-lectures. Others are creating content with their students. Some are choosing to build and create relationships with their students. No matter what the use, it’s beneficial.

With TikTok, you can record from 1-60 seconds of content. Check out these four easy ways to collaborate and build relationships with teachers using TikTok!

TikTok Teacher Tip #1: Encouragement

Everyone likes to be encouraged and everyone needs encouragement, especially on the tough days. Teaching is hard. So, occasionally I’ll share a quote and hashtag it #MotivationalMonday. Other days I’ll share a quick bit about my day and how I overcame an obstacle. We’re all in this profession together. Let’s encourage each other 15 seconds at a time.

Let's encourage each other 15 seconds at a time. Share on X

TikTok Teacher Tip #2: Sharing Resources

TikTok is still working on it’s functionality. Currently, you cannot add a link to click in the actual video. (Hopefully, it’s coming soon.) However, a Youtube account and Instagram account can be added and content can be directly put on the creator’s TikTok profile. Creators are also allowed to put a link in their bio, which can point users to a blog or resource you discuss in your TikTok.

TikTok Teacher Tip #3: Find and Share Quick PD

Resources aren’t the only thing that can be shared on TikTok. Your PD can, too! Creators and users can find content via hashtags, or follow teachers who share valuable content. I’ve been using #edutok, #teacherpd and #thetiktokteacher for the content I share. I’m sure there are others, but that’s how to locate my content!

TikTok Teacher Tip #4: Question of the Day for Teachers

Many teachers, myself included, love Twitter Chats! But how can we take the same concept and use it on TikTok? Creators and/or teachers can post a question of the day (QOTD) and teachers can comment with their answers to the question. Again, use hashtags! #thetiktokteacher, #teacherqotd or #teachertalk all work for this type of conversation. But you can always search for better words by using something like this hashtag generator so you have the ability to mix up your posts, as well as targeting the wider community. Watch for updates on QOTD- TikTok Style!

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Help Me Spread the Word

I’d love to feature the ways you use TikTok with your students or in your classroom. Send me a message on Twitter @RinkelJeremy or email me at [email protected]. I’d love to hear your story.


Mohsin, Maryam. “10 TikTok Statistics That You Need to Know in 2019 [Infographic].” Oberlo, Oberlo Dropshipping App., 14 Nov. 2019,

About Jeremy Rinkel

Jeremy is a husband, father, high school English teacher and Yoga Teacher. He has earned a Masters in Educational Policy from the University of Illinois and a Masters in Teaching from Greenville University. His goal is to inspire students, teachers and anyone he comes into contact with to be a life long learner. Jeremy believes education is the key to solving our world’s problems. In his free time, Jeremy enjoys traveling, writing, spending time in coffee shops, and spending time with his family watching old TV shows on Netflix. In the summer, he can be found at a Lake Sara in Central Illinois teaching Standup Paddleboard Yoga.
Image with Jeremy Rinkel's picture and Twitter and Instagram handles