The Power of Purpose

Teach Better TeamBlog, Connect Better, Engage Better, Teach Happier


  • To overcome the difficulties of teaching in a pandemic, you have to find what works for you.
  • Clearly define your purpose, write it down, and put it somewhere you will see every day.
  • The key to unlocking unlimited potential begins with understanding the power of your purpose.  

As you continue to endure and experience the 2020-2021 school year, it is likely you may be finding that a larger percentage of the 80,000 thoughts that enter your head each day are leading to self-limiting beliefs and behaviors. 

It’s OK. 

You are human. 

You are not alone. 

As an educator for the past 20 years with a National Board Certification and Doctorate in Educational Leadership, and an author of a book, I too, am challenged by the difficulties surrounding teaching through a pandemic. Whether it is a pandemic or some other negative experience, we all have the right to feel a variety of feelings in response to the rhythm of our lives.

The Power of Purpose: Finding What Works For You

For me, my savior was turning to social media and writing. Before March 13, 2020, I used social media sporadically. I discovered that Twitter was a space to connect, share, and learn.

I found courage. And I believed that my purpose was to help other educators see the light in the darkness during this difficult time. 

I was inspired. And I started to post inspirational videos, ideas, thoughts, and more. I found Twitter Chats. And I grew a #PLN and I met so many amazing, authentic people along the way. 

I found peace in knowing that educators all over the world were experiencing similar challenges. I was not alone, and we were much stronger together.

The key to unlocking unlimited potential begins with understanding the power of your purpose. Share on X

The Power of Purpose: Putting Words Into Action 

I’d been slowly writing a book for the previous three years. I decided I was no longer going to be telling people that “I was going to write a book” and changed my tune to “I am writing a book.”  I decided I was going to find a passionate publisher who believed in my story, my vision, and my style. I found Brian Aspinall, Code Breaker Inc., and Unlocking Unlimited Potential was set to be published.

The rest became history and writing a book launched a new path in my journey that I found much pride and passion within.

What was the secret?

It was clearly defining my purpose. Putting it somewhere I could see it every day. Using it as a springboard for goals in my life. And returning to it daily.

One particular exercise I utilized came from Jack Canfield’s Book The Success Principles: How to Get From Where You Are to Where You Want to Be. Educators may know Jack as he is also the author of the International Best Seller: Chicken Soup for the Soul. Using some of the steps that Jack designed, I have committed to coaching other educators and professional individuals through the process of rediscovering their WHY. This journey includes incorporating your story, your WHY, and your purpose. My book goes further in depth into this process, but it is an important reflective exercise vital to helping educators overcome their self-limiting beliefs which stand in the way of their progress and most importantly, YOUR HAPPINESS.

#MasteryChat Inspired

Recently, I moderated a #MasteryChat with the Teach Better Team. I was amazed by the educators who took the time to not only participate, but to answer this particular question: “What is your purpose as an educator?” 

After reviewing the responses, it was empowering to see how much passion was around me. Educators dug deep.

The highlights:

  • Relationships matter
  • Authenticity
  • Empathy
  • Creativity
  • Belief in potential
  • Growth mindset

I was proud to receive a lot of responses from educators across the globe discussing how positive they felt after participating. This was all a result of their ability to look within and define what mattered most to who they strive to be at the core—their ideal perception of themself. This is what I refer to as: Doing the Hardwork.

Take a look back through your story to think and reflect about the reason you became an educator in the first place. Most importantly, strive to be better today than you were yesterday. This is an important component for every educator’s journey.

I encourage you to write a purpose statement. Hold your purpose close to your heart. Print out your purpose statement and put it somewhere you can see it every day. Read it daily. It takes less than a minute. But it is a daily reminder of who you are, WHY you are in this profession, and where you want to go.

#MasteryChat Purpose Statements

I hope that looking at these screenshots of “Purpose Statements” will inspire you to believe in yourself. I hope that you will use them to help you create or revise your own purpose statement.

 Ultimately, I hope that revisiting your purpose will help you see challenges as opportunities for growth. Because you need to know that within you is an infinite potential that, once unleashed, will lead to great results with all those you serve.


The key to unlocking unlimited potential begins with understanding the power of your purpose.  

What is your purpose?

The Power of Purpose: Learn More

Click Here to watch Jeff Gargas and Brandon discuss the Power of Purpose on the #Masterychat Recap.

Click Here to watch a video where I discuss the importance of understanding your purpose.

[scroll down to keep reading]

About Brandon Beck

Dr. Brandon Beck is a speaker, consultant, and author of “Unlocking Unlimited Potential.” He is a National Board Certified teacher and Award Winning Professional Soccer Coach. He also holds a Doctorate in Educational Leadership. His primary purpose as an educator and teacher leader is a simple one: “To inspire people (adults and kids) to have faith in themselves and believe in their inner genius.”

He has been an elementary teacher for 20 years, a monolingual, dual language teacher for the past 10, and holds a wide range of educational experience in versatile settings. He is also a Professor at Manhattanville College, NY, an editor and reviewer for AASA Journal of Scholarship & Practice, a regular presenter at state, regional, and national conferences, a motivational speaker, life coach, and an education consultant.

As a speaker, researcher, writer, educator, and consultant his areas of expertise include: Self-Efficacy, Teacher Effectiveness, English Language Learners, Culturally Responsive Teaching, Social Emotional Learning, Therapeutic Animals, Coaching, Professional Development, and Teacher Preparation.