Preparing for the School Year: 7 Essential Tips for Teachers

Suzanne RogersBlog, Connect Better, Lead Better, Lesson Plan Better, Manage Better, Self Care Better, Teach Happier


  • Introduce yourself to parents and students, considering home visits for a positive start.
  • Prepare temporary seating charts and freezer meals to manage the busy first weeks.
  • Establish routines, build relationships, and plan for self-care to ensure a smooth transition.

As the summer winds down and the new school year approaches, teachers everywhere begin to prepare for the busy weeks ahead. Here are some essential steps to ensure a smooth start to the school year, focusing on the week before school starts and the first two weeks of classes.

One Week Before School Starts

Tip #1: Introduce Yourself to Parents and Students

First and foremost, it’s crucial to introduce yourself to the parents and students. Sending a friendly, old-school postcard can make a great impression. SchoolStatus is a great system used by many districts, which now incorporates SMORE newsletters for ease of communication in 30 home languages! Make your very first contact with a parent a positive one. Here’s an example:

Dear Parents and Students,

Hello! My name is [Your Name], and I am excited to be your [grade/subject] teacher this year. I look forward to meeting all of you and having a fantastic year together. If you have any questions before school starts, please get in touch with me at [your contact information].

Best regards,
[Your Name]

Tip #2: Home Visits

Consider home visits if at all possible. They are a game changer!  Home visits have been shown to improve attendance, graduation rates, and student success through multiple evaluation studies.

Take time to get to know your students. Building positive relationships early on can lead to a more supportive and collaborative classroom atmosphere. Share on X

Tip #3: Create Temporary Seating Charts

Another essential task is creating temporary seating charts. Having a seating arrangement ready can help you manage the classroom more efficiently and learn student names from day one. Be prepared to make adjustments as you get to know your students better.

Tip #4: Prepare Meals for the Freezer

The first two weeks of school can be exhausting, so it’s a good idea to prepare some meals ahead of time and store them in the freezer. Try these 15 recipes to start. You can also divide these into individual servings. This way, you can prepare nutritious meals without spending too much time cooking during those hectic days.

The First Two Weeks of School

Tip #5: Establish Classroom Routines

In the first two weeks, focus on establishing classroom routines. This includes setting rules, explaining procedures, and ensuring students understand your expectations. Consistency is key to creating a structured learning environment.

Tip #6: Build Relationships

Take time to get to know your students. Building positive relationships early on can lead to a more supportive and collaborative classroom atmosphere. Ham it up and have fun with your students! Simple activities like icebreakers and Canva group projects can help students feel more comfortable and engaged.

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Tip #7: Plan for “Me Time”

It’s essential to take care of yourself during the school year. Plan for “Me Time,” which means scheduling moments for relaxation and self-care. “Me Time” can help you avoid burnout. Use your PTO (paid time off) wisely and follow district policies regarding leave to ensure you get the rest you need.

Final Thoughts

Transitioning from summer to the school year can be challenging, but with proper preparation, you can start the year right. By introducing yourself to parents and students, organizing your classroom, preparing meals in advance, establishing routines, building relationships, and planning for self-care, you set yourself up for a successful and enjoyable school year. Remember, the first few weeks are often the hardest, but with these tips, you’ll be well on your way to a great year!

About Suzanne Rogers

Suzanne M. Rogers is an accomplished, passionate, technology-inspired educator, experienced conference presenter, and yoga enthusiast. She is the Assistant Director of Public Relations at LISA Academy Public Charter Schools. In addition to her 20 years of work in education, Suzanne also serves on the Arkansas Museum of Fine Arts Educator Advisory Board, the UCA Executive Advisory Board, the UCA MAT Program Advisory Board, and the SAU ERZ Advisory.

Suzanne’s passion for education and her community is evident in her involvement in these organizations, where she works tirelessly to support students and educators. As an #ArmyMom and former #AFbrat, Suzanne brings a unique perspective to her work, understanding firsthand the sacrifices made by military families. Suzanne exemplifies dedication, expertise, and commitment to excellence.