It’s Time to Get Clear with Your Time!

Lindsay TitusBlog, Manage Better, Self Care Better


  • Time is something many people feel like they don’t have enough of.
  • This post shares 5 actionable steps to start making the most of your time each day, including monitoring your language and mindset, reflecting on how you’re currently spending your time, noting how long activities take, blocking time to increase productivity, and delegating!
  • 2 organizers are shared for you to use to start clarifying and managing your time!

“I just wish I had more time.” If I had a dollar every time I said that, or every time I heard it, I’d be rich! The funny thing about time, though, is that while it is something so many people want more of, it is actually the one variable that we all have the same amount of. We all have 24 hours in a day, 168 hours in a week, and 8,760 hours in a year. It’s time to get clear with your time!

Get Clear with Your Time: Time is the One Constant We All Have in Common.

Then why is it that some people seem to have more time? Why is it some people seem to get more things done in a day than others?

I’ll be the first to tell you, there are many reasons. Although, for the sake of this blog post, I’m going to highlight one important difference for you: some people manage their time, and some people clarify their time.

This simple change in language provides me with the reminder that there is enough time. And I have learned to use that mindset and language to take action on clarifying my time instead of managing it. Share on X

What does that mean?

For those people managing their time, they are using time as it comes. Sometimes it’s purposeful, although not always.

But people who are clarifying their time? They are owning their time. They are in control of their time. And they are aware of how each minute is being spent and how each minute is aligned to their value and purpose.

I believe that time is our most valuable currency. Especially as educators, time is precious.

I also believe the mindset we hold about time and the language we use to describe it are essential to this concept of creating more time. Let’s look at each one individually.

Mindset Around Time

When it comes to time, do you find yourself thinking about it as something you never have enough of? Is time something that you find “runs out”? Is time something you always want more of? Or is time something that is limitless? Do you believe there is always enough time? See, the mindset we hold about time helps in creating our understanding of what amount of time is available to us.

I used to believe there was never enough time to get the things done I wanted to get done. This led to feelings of immediate overwhelm and doubt, because how could I possibly do all the things without the time to do them?

As a teacher, this was a lose-lose situation. Fast forward to today, where I trust that there is always enough time to do what I choose to, doubt is exchanged with freedom and simplicity. Now, with the mindset of time being limitless and expansive, I am doing more things each day, week, and month, and still have more time for my family and myself each day, week, and month too!

Language Around Time

When you listen to the words you use to describe time, does it sound like this: “I’ll never have enough time”? Or maybe it’s, “I just need more time.”

This was me too! Now, my language sounds like this: “There is always enough time!” This simple change in language provides me with the reminder that there is enough time. And I have learned to use that mindset and language to take action on clarifying my time instead of managing it.

Get Clear with Your Time: Action Steps to Take

  1. Monitor and reflect on your mindset and language used!
  2. Complete a time sample (link to organizer here). Before you can make changes, become aware of and accept where your time is being spent. Then you know the best changes to make to align with your values and goals.
  3. Pay attention to how long activities take you to complete. If you know you only have 30 minutes to complete a task, instead of starting something that will take 2 hours, is there something you can do in the 30 minutes that you will feel successful with? This can then build your momentum forward!
  4. Ask yourself, “why am I spending time on this?” Does it align with a value you have? Is it something you must do? Use a planner page or electronic calendar (link to organizer here) to time block your day to increase productivity!
  5. Delegate! Just like how organization is easier when we de-clutter first, clarifying our time and freeing up time is a lot easier when we are focused on what is important to us! Delegate anything that isn’t your strength, your value, or something you need to do.
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When it comes to time, there are so many systems out there to try! Remember, it’s less about the system and more about the purpose! Establish a strong mindset, use powerful language, and take intention and aligned action to start clarifying your time today! The time is yours, and now it’s up to you to decide how to live it!

About Lindsay Titus

Lindsay Titus is a K-12 Behavior Specialist with a license in behavior analyst. As a Board Certified Behavior Analyst, Lindsay coaches and trains educators on the study of behavior and how to implement evidence based behavior principles in simple and easy ways! With experience as a classroom special education teacher, and behavior specialist in public schools, residential placement, and private settings, Lindsay enjoys working with all educators looking to reignite their passion for education, connect with all students, and conquer challenging behavior in any classroom setting.