How Do You Learn as an Adult?

Teach Better TeamBlog, Lead Better


  • Adults develop through stages to become self-motivated and successful.
  • Develop habits and commit to pursuing your dream job.

This blog post takes about 2 minutes to read.

Here’s one short tip on how to grow your network and land your dream job.

There are only 3 simple steps to landing your dream job. Even though it might be simple, YOU need to commit to learning—and doing—for it to lead to a successful outcome.

If you want to land your dream job, you have to commit to making a habit of working towards it every single day. - O. Escott Share on X

We’ve based our career training on the assumption that you meet the following 5 aspects of Adult Learner Theory (Knowles, 1984:12). It is very different from pedagogy, the ways you as a teacher engage with Child Learning.

Andragogy: Adult Learner Theory

5 Assumptions of Adult Learners


As a person matures, their self-concept moves from one of being a dependent personality toward one of being a self-disciplined human being.


As a person matures, they accumulate a growing reservoir of experience that becomes an increasing resource for learning.


As a person matures, their readiness to learn becomes oriented increasingly to the development tasks of their social roles.


As a person matures, their time perspective changes from one of postponed application of knowledge to immediacy of application. Accordingly, their orientation toward learning shifts from one of subject-centredness to one of problem-centredness.


As a person matures, the motivation to learn is internal.

The key point about andragogy and adult learners is that you must be self-motivated for change to occur.

[scroll down to keep reading]

Anyone can start their career search process, and life gets in the way. You don’t get started, get sidetracked, and don’t complete. Your most important task—managing your career—gets stuck on the bottom of the to-do list, buried under last week’s marking pile.

If you want to land your dream job, you have to commit to making a habit of working towards it every single day.

Get a copy of Atomic Habits by James Clear if you haven’t read it. An incredible book to start leveling up and creating the life you want to lead. It shows you how to start small with baby steps and create small habits that will change your life.

That’s all, 1 simple tip to help you land your dream job.


Cheraine & Ollie

Staffroom Co-Founders

About Ollie and Cheraine Escott

Cheraine and Ollie are an Aussie married couple, who currently live in Bali, Indonesia. After a background in corporate, small business, and startups, they switched careers to become mature age teachers, first in Australia and then internationally. As the pandemic hit globally, teachers reached out to them to ask how they managed to land their dream jobs teaching internationally. What started as advice for writing resumes and cover letters have evolved into a structured mentorship program to help teachers take charge of their careers.

You can learn to use LinkedIn like a pro, connect with teachers to skip the queue in job applications, and have job opportunities come to you. You can be the person in charge of your future and land your dream job. Join at Cheraine and Ollie love hanging out in the bar and restaurant scene, piling attention on their rescue dog, Darda, and relaxing on the beaches of Bali as the sun goes down.