Finding Success for Tomorrow, the Night Before

Lindsay TitusBlog, Self Care Better, Teach Happier


  • When we understand how the thoughts we are thinking lead to the actions we are taking, this is when transformative change happens.
  • Thinking better is a process that we grow and learn from every day. Enhance your evening routine to set you up for success the very next day!

When it comes to thinking better, one thing I think is essential to remember is that how we think gets to constantly evolve over time. Our thoughts are constantly changing and taking in new bits of information, that over time, can feel overwhelming. We aren’t sure where to focus first, what to tackle first, what to do, and all of this can lead to feelings of overwhelm, stress, and frustration. The interesting part to all of this? It can lead to those, but it doesn’t have to. 

It’s Time to COMMIT to Thinking Better!

When we make the commitment to think better, we commit to thinking better. Which means we are in constant reflection mode. When we understand how the thoughts we are thinking lead to the actions we are taking, this is when transformative change happens! 

Thinking better starts with small, simple, and strategic steps. In a previous blog post, I shared insight on how to think better in the mornings by creating a morning routine that serves you. To extend on that post, it’s really important to consider that your morning routine actually starts the night before. 

Building an evening routine gets to be simple and easy, and it gets to be personalized for YOU! Ready to get started? Share on X

Find Success for Tomorrow by Thinking Better at Night

I used to think that when I went to bed, that was one day ending, and when I woke up, that was a new day beginning. And if you think this way, that’s totally okay! Remember, when it comes to thinking better, you can’t get it wrong. Instead of asking, “Did I do this wrong?” a better question to ask is, “Is this thought or way I’m thinking serving me?” 

If the answer is YES, keep it going! If the answer is no, that’s where we get to make some changes! So instead of looking at it as the end of one day and the start of the next, what if each day connected to one another by the thoughts we have in our minds! 

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Find Success for Tomorrow by Connecting Evenings and Mornings

When we connect our evenings to our mornings, it allows us to set the intention for what we desire out of the new opportunities available to us tomorrow. And in true “thinking better” fashion, it doesn’t have to be complicated. In fact, it’s the opposite. It gets to be simple and easy. 

Building an evening routine gets to be simple and easy, and it gets to be personalized for YOU! Ready to get started? Here are three simple steps to get YOU started: 

  1. Keep a notebook by your bed to write down any last minute thoughts that come. The quicker you can get your thoughts from your brain to paper, the easier it is to let go of the “must do” energy that can come with those thoughts. 
  2. Set the intention for how tomorrow will go for you. Before you fall asleep, envision how you want to feel in the morning. Set the intention for what tomorrow will look like, feel like, sound like, etc. Fall asleep with your thoughts anchored on the intention for what tomorrow will bring for you. 
  3. Create a results list from what was accomplished during the previous day. So often, we can go to bed thinking about all we didn’t do in a day, and this leads to feelings of “not enough” and frustration. By creating a list that showcases and proves to yourself all that you did accomplish, you go to bed thinking about those accomplishments instead of the “things I didn’t do list.”

Thinking better is and will always be a process that we grow and learn from every day. Simply stated, it’s a process that we practice every day. And one way we can practice is by enhancing your evening routine to set you up for success the very next day! 

About Lindsay Titus

Lindsay Titus is a K-12 Behavior Specialist with a license in behavior analyst. As a Board Certified Behavior Analyst, Lindsay coaches and trains educators on the study of behavior and how to implement evidence based behavior principles in simple and easy ways! With experience as a classroom special education teacher, and behavior specialist in public schools, residential placement, and private settings, Lindsay enjoys working with all educators looking to reignite their passion for education, connect with all students, and conquer challenging behavior in any classroom setting.