Congratulations, You Are Teacher of the Year

Colissa JordanBlog, Reflect Better


  • This year was challenging for teachers and students alike. We are all counting down the days for the year to end.
  • Teachers focused on being intentional with our teaching, motivating students, and building relationships.
  • We are the Teachers of the Year.

Hey, you!

Are you the teacher who eyes the daily (or for me, weekly) countdown to the end of the school year, longing for the last grade to be entered into your district learning management system?

How about the teacher who searches for one more incentive to convince your afternoon classes to turn in those late, missing, and redo assignments so that they can avoid summer school or worse, credit recovery in the fall?

Let’s not forget the teacher who just opened your latest email to learn that a teacher in a faraway district has been named “Teacher of the Year” and you find yourself wondering, “What about me?”

Educators made this the year to be leaders of motivation. They set out to support students not only academically but emotionally. Share on X

Well, what about you? If you are like me, you began this school year excited but anxious to have your students back in the classroom. Teaching during the pandemic was challenging for students and teachers. I missed being able to develop connections and relationships with my juniors and seniors. So, this school year, my priority was to not focus on the achievement gaps that the pandemic had widened.

Surviving the Pandemic

Instead, my goal was to focus on the strengths and the resiliency of my students in order to prepare them for learning opportunities in my classroom. So, I decided to intentionally teach with enthusiasm, empathy, and passion. Virtual learning during the pandemic meant that there would be observable gaps in learning when students returned to our classrooms. It also meant students would return to classrooms with increased anxiety. Educators made this the year to be leaders of motivation. They set out to support students not only academically but emotionally.

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Be Adaptable

I also became a transformative teacher, willing to change my teaching style to meet students where they were academically. No more rigid deadlines. Authentic assessments focused on mastery of skills that were aligned to learning standards and also celebrated students as individuals. The students and I began the school year and ended the school year focused on learning activities that sustained knowledge.

Making Learning Meaningful

Finally, every learning opportunity had to have meaning. From vision boards to mock interviews, goal setting, and even the inaugural Alumni Day, students were afforded the opportunity to make real-world and relevant connections to learning.

So, congratulations. This year, you have built lifelong relationships. You have transformed your classroom and teaching style to reach all learners. Every learning experience was made meaningful and relevant. YOU are Teacher of the Year.

About Colissa R. Jordan

Colissa R. Jordan is in her 20th year as an English Language Arts Educator. Currently, she teaches ELA 11th and 12th at Great Oaks Career Campuses in Cincinnati, Ohio. She is a former Adjunct at the University of Cincinnati. She has a Master’s of Education in Curriculum and Instruction and enjoys sharing best practices with other educators. Teaching and learning is her passion. She is dedicated to teaching and empowering her students with the skills to be exceptional individuals!