3 Reasons Sharing Your Voice Will Inspire Special Things

Tre GammageBlog, Connect Better, Lead Better


  • Share your voice with others.
  • Shape your own narrative and leave a legacy for future generations.

When I began my career as a Speaker & Consultant, there was a formula that came to mind as I was crafting speeches and presentations. Growing through life started to feel like an ART. 

Awareness = The what, the passion behind why you do what you do. 

Reflection = The why, the purpose behind what has happened to you. 

Transition = The how and the who you are about to become next.

Your voice leaves a legacy for future generations, helps you grow as a person, and allows you to shape your narrative in life. Share on X

Become an A.R.T.I.S.T. Inspiring Special Things

When you treat life like art, you become an A.R.T.I.S.T. inspiring special things! Keep reading for 3 reasons you need to start sharing your voice today! 

Reason 1: Leave a Legacy for Future Generations 

The main reason why sharing your voice is essential is that it leaves a legacy for future generations. Your story is unique, and it’s an essential part of your family’s history. By sharing your experiences, you’re providing a blueprint for the next generation. They can learn from your successes, failures, and everything in between. For example, I created a podcast seven years ago to document my journey. Now we have over 230 episodes. I realize that I have over a week of content that my great-grandkids can listen to. It’s incredible to think that my family can continue to learn from me long after my prime.

Reason 2: Break Your Limiting Beliefs

It’s not about what you get out of life; it’s about who you have to be. When we share our voices, we are vulnerable. We put ourselves out there, and that takes courage. It’s normal to feel fear when posting online, whether it’s a selfie or a video. But the only way to get better is to feel the fear and do it anyway. It’s not going to be perfect at first, but with time and effort, it will get better. Sharing your voice helps you break through your own glass ceiling and limiting beliefs.

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Reason 3: Shape Your Narrative

I want people to know that I’m real. When you google my name, all of my work comes up. It’s important to me to shape my narrative of life. I’m in control of my internal narrative, but what the world sees of me is essential too. By sharing my experiences, I’m showing the world who I am, and that’s a powerful thing. Your voice and story matter. It’s essential to share it with the world.

Your voice leaves a legacy for future generations, helps you grow as a person, and allows you to shape your narrative in life. Social media platforms have made it easier than ever to connect with people from all walks of life and share your experiences. So don’t be afraid to put yourself out there, be vulnerable, and share your story with the world.

About Tre Gammage

Dean of Students & SEL Consultant, Tre’ Gammage has always had a passion for helping others. With a vast background in speaking, podcasting, and consulting, Tre’ was once told “when you see someone living their dream, it makes you want to be a part of that dream” and he’s been living by that motto ever since.

In 2017, Tre’ started The Gammage Consulting Group, An Adult SEL Focused education consulting firm helping K-12 school communities support teachers’ social-emotional competence to impact students’ social-emotional and academic outcomes.

Tre’ believes in making it easier to do what you love, your job as an educator is to prepare the next generation for success. Having strong Social & Emotional Intelligence is foundational to impacting student outcomes.

To learn more information visit seleducators.com or listen to The Dash Podcast on Youtube, Itunes, Spotify.