Self Paced Mastery Learning: Featuring Chelsea Nicolino

Joshua StamperAspire Podcast

Chelsea Nicolino, Joshua Stamper, Mastery Learning, Aspire: The Leadership Development Podcast, Tech Better

In your school or classroom, do your students have an opportunity to solve real life problems in their community?  This week’s guest, Chelsea Nicolino, shares how she made a shift in her teaching to allow students to work at their own pace, partner with city leaders, and utilize the Grid Method. 

In this episode, we also discuss:

  • Assessing student mastery 
  • Daily student check-ins
  • And the Teach Better Ambassador Program
Check out Chelsea Nicolino as she shares how she made a shift in her teaching to allow students to work at their own pace, partner with city leaders, and utilize the Grid Method. Share on X

About Chelsea Nicolino:

Chelsea Nicolino is an eighth grade integrated science teacher in Akron, Ohio. She has a passion for embedding mastery learning and STEM education into her classroom. Chelsea also enjoys creating engaging inquiry-based lessons for her students to foster their love of science. In her free time, Chelsea loves connecting with other educators on social media, listening to podcasts, reading a good book, and spending time with her husband and two young children.

Follow Chelsea Nicolino:

Twitter: @chelseanicolino

Instagram: @justateacherfromakron

Facebook: Chelsea Nicolino



Aspire: The Leadership Development Podcast Swag, Joshua Stamper, Teach Better

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Need a Presenter for a conference or school PD?

Contact Joshua Stamper  for presentations on Restorative Practices, Leadership Development, and Innovative campus systems.

Joshua Stamper, Teach Better

Follow the Host, Joshua Stamper:

Aspire to Lead made it to the Best New Education Books

I’m happy to announce that my book, “Aspire to Lead”, made it to BookAuthority’s Best New Education Books:

BookAuthority collects and ranks the best books in the world, and it is a great honor to get this kind of recognition. Thank you for all your support!

The book is available for purchase on Amazon.

Review the Podcast

I want to give a huge shout out to those who have taken the time to provide a review on Apple, Spotify or any other podcast platform. It truly means the world to me that you would take the 30- 90 seconds to share how the podcast has positively impacted you or why other educators should check out the show.


Aspire to Lead,Jed Dearybury, Joshua Stamper, The Playful Classroom
Aspire to Lead, Lainie Rowell, Joshua Stamper, Bold Gratitude
Aspire to Lead, Dave Schmittou, Joshua Stamper, Poking the Bear
Aspire Mailbag, Joshua Stamper, Jeff Gargas, Aspire to Lead, Teach Better
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