Aspire Mailbag: New Leadership or New Initiatives?

Joshua StamperAspire Podcast

Aspire Mailbag, Joshua Stamper, Jeff Gargas, Aspire to Lead, Teach Better

In this 26th Aspire Mailbag episode, Jeff Gargas and I answer questions on different leadership topics provided by the listeners. Please join us for this episode as we answer questions on new initiatives by new leaders, abandoning campus programs, leadership advice, the Teach Better conference, and the latest news with the Teach Better Team!

Join us as we answer questions on new initiatives by new leaders, abandoning campus programs, leadership advice, the Teach Better conference, and the latest news with the Teach Better Team! Share on X

Featuring Jeff Gargas and Joshua Stamper

Teach Better Conference:

  • AspireTB2022 for $50 off

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Need a Presenter for a conference or school PD?

Contact Joshua Stamper  for presentations on Restorative Practices, Leadership Development, and Innovative campus systems.

Aspire to Lead made it to the Best New Education Books

I’m happy to announce that my book, “Aspire to Lead”, made it to BookAuthority’s Best New Education Books. BookAuthority collects and ranks the best books in the world, and it is a great honor to get this kind of recognition. Thank you for all your support!

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Aspire Mailbag, Joshua Stamper, Jeff Gargas, Aspire to Lead, Teach Better
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