An Astronomer’s Take on the Christmas Star

Tim StephensonScience 360 Podcast

There has been a lot of research and speculation on what that star was and if it really was a star at all. In this episode, I explain the common understanding of the Heaven’s at the time of Christ and what they thought they saw in the night sky. I touch on many aspects of the history of astronomy, from Pythagorus through Newton and Einstein. But sometimes you have to do that to get the whole perspective. And when it comes to something such as this, where science and religion intersect, I believe it takes a bit more care to give it its fair share. I offer up my perspective at the end, and I hope that it influences the way you think about the stars.

Is science meant to explain all things or are there some things that are just not meant to be explained? Perhaps there are times where the best answer is we just don't know Share on X


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