Be Fearless and Teach with FIRE with Mark Taylor

Lindsay LyonsTime for Teachership Podcast

Embrace passion and fearlessness because that’s what fuels you to be the best leader you can be!⁠

In Episode 66, Mark Taylor explains why it’s important to pay attention to what students want and provide a path for them to succeed. He mentions how he likes to use the FIRE acronym where F stands for Failure (to understand what failure really means), I for Inspiration, R for Resilience, and E for Empowerment.⁠

If educators use the FIRE principles, then every child has the chance to do what they were born to do in a natural way. It’s quite inspiring!

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But all of it is a positive step by step learning experience to for them to live their life, which is what it's all about, rather than everyone living the same life. And I think that fearless, I guess kind of picture and model in an… Share on X

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