A Transition to Co-Teaching After 28 Years

Stephan HughesBlog, Connect Better, Differentiate Better, Engage Better, Innovate Better, Reflect Better

TL;DR: Despite 28 years of teaching, the author had never experienced co-teaching until recently. Initial attempts at collaboration failed due to lack of planning and organization. A recent partnership with a special education assistant has led to positive changes in the classroom. The Missed Opportunity of Co-Teaching What if I told you that in my twenty-eight years of experience as … Read More

Fostering Co-Teacher Relationships for Student Success

Michele HaikenBlog, Connect Better, Differentiate Better, Engage Better, Lesson Plan Better, Reflect Better

TL;DR: Regular weekly planning meetings and reflections enhance co-teaching effectiveness. Leveraging each teacher’s strengths creates a dynamic and supportive classroom environment. Standalone support classes complement co-taught sessions, providing tailored assistance to students. For the past twelve years that I have been teaching middle school English, I have worked with seven different co-teachers. Each is amazing and unique in their own … Read More