Bias Starts Early—Talk to Your Kids with Julie Kratz

Lindsay LyonsTime for Teachership Podcast

Introducing today’s guest Julie Kratz! Julie is a Certified Master Coach, a certified unconscious bias trainer, a highly-acclaimed TEDx speaker and an inclusive leadership trainer who led teams and produced results in corporate America. Have you frequently wondered why bias is a prevalent issue in our world? One thing is for sure, it starts at a young age. Our students … Read More

Ruining Words | Susan Brookhart | Trust the Process

Tom SchimmerThe Tom Schimmer Podcast

In Don’t @ Me (2:05), Tom opens with a warning about how overusing words will ruin them and weaken their impact. Then, Tom is joined by renowned researcher, Susan Brookhart (10:48) for a conversation about a breadth of assessment and grading topics. Finally, in Assessment Corner (1:02:27), Tom shares some experiences he’s had in supporting schools and districts in their … Read More

Disruption, Storytelling, and Values in a Thinking Classroom (w Peter Liljedahl)

Natalie Vardabasso#EduCrush Podcast

Many of our institutional norms are causing “studenting” behavior that stifles thinking. Dr. Peter Liljedahl’s research aims to disrupt this behavior through “contrarian experimental methodology” and he has discovered 14 practices that liberate thinking in the classroom. Though his research took place in Mathematics, his findings are applicable for any educator that wants to tap into the emotional experience through … Read More