TL;DR: What type of media are you consuming? Reflect on what media makes you feel good when you engage with it. Consider adjusting the content you consume and start to spend less time on platforms that make you feel poorly and focus on what makes you feel good. What’s in Your Diet? If I were to ask you what’s in … Read More
What’s in Your Diet?
In this episode, we consider what is in our media diet, and how that impacts our overall happiness. MORE EPISODES
What IS?
TL;DR: We can change our mindset from thinking “What if” with worry to consider “Even if” instead. Instead of “What if”, consider “What is”. What do you know? What are the facts? The small change in words can make an impact on your ability to cope and your wellness. And just like that, it’s September. Some of us are already … Read More
Let’s Recombobulate
TL;DR: Recombobulate is an amazing word that means to cause to think again or reorient. Let’s get in the right mindset for the school year. Each day, say the entire date aloud. It reminds you that today is not only temporary but a fresh start and a new opportunity. Reclaim quiet pockets of time at the very beginning and end … Read More
Savoring the Saturday of Summer
TL;DR: Slow down to acknowledge and appreciate the good things. Make sure to savor the good things this summer. Savoring the Saturday of Summer It’s July. As my dear friend Corinne would say, it’s the Saturday of summer. If anybody asks us how we’re doing, we are nothing short of elated. Yet, we may also admit we are still recovering … Read More