191: We can’t just talk from the textbook.- Barbara Schneider chats with us about trying to make things better for young people, transitioning to teaching online, and not just talking from the textbook.

Teach Better TeamTeach Better Talk Podcast

 John A. Hannah Chair University Distinguished Professor, Barbara Schneider, chats with us about trying to make things better for young people, transitioning to teaching online, and not just talking from the textbook. Barbara’s Recommendations EdTech Tool: Zoom Book: “Becoming” by Michelle Obama “Against Empathy” by Paul Bloom “100 Years of Solitude” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez  Who to Follow on … Read More

AWC Episode #20: Creativity

Jennifer AppelBlog

In this episode, Jen and Hans hypothesize where creativity has gone in our schools.  Later, they offer advice to their middle school selves. Listen on your favorite podcast platform! More Episodes

Everything I Know About Leadership, I Learned in First Grade

Teach Better TeamBlog, Engage Better, Innovate Better, Lead Better, Manage Better

TL;DR: It is important to lead with a vision and a clear direction. Modeling effective leadership can inspire new leaders. I do not have numerous significant memories of my first grade year at Delight Elementary School. Except for the occasional favorite lunch of square pizza with a side of kernel corn and my introduction to the bizarre cuisine termed Shepherd’s … Read More

6 Steps to Start Your Edupreneur Journey

Jeff GargasBlog, Innovate Better, Teacherpreneur Better

TL;DR: Using your strengths and skills as an educator to start an entrepreneurial journey. Finding your passion, planning, building a team, forgetting perfection, reflecting and adapting, and committing are 6 simple steps you can take to become an edupreneur. I’ve been saying it for quite a while now: educators make awesome entrepreneurs. You’re built for it. You’re passionate, driven, educated, … Read More

190: Find the little things. – Jennifer Bernier chats with us about taking risks to learn new things, giving yourself grace, and finding the little things that can make the change.

Teach Better TeamTeach Better Talk Podcast

Jennifer Bernier chats with us about taking risks to learn new things, giving yourself grace, and finding the little things that can make the change. Jennifer’s Recommendations EdTech Tool: Google drive is the given so I’m going to say Bitmoji chrome extension! Book: “Becoming” by Michelle Obama “Blended Learning in Action” by Catlin Tucker, Tiffany Wycoff, and Jason Green Who … Read More