AWC Episode #24: House Rules

Jennifer AppelBlog

In this episode, Jennifer and Hans examine the 3 house rules and how they help create an Award Winning Culture that sustains during distance learning.  Later, they explore which overarching question is most difficult. Listen on your favorite podcast platform! More Episodes

Building Relationships with Staff Online

Jennifer AppelBlog, Connect Better

TL;DR: Build relationships with staff by maintaining a consistent connection, having fun, removing obligations, and engaging everyone. Having a game morning meeting, using social media, and having office hours to chat, brainstorm, or ask questions are just some ways to strengthen relationships with colleagues. Thinking of your colleagues as a family can help foster successful relationships. “Education is understanding relationships” … Read More

Addressing Character, Excellence, and Community Remotely

Teach Better TeamBlog, Connect Better

TL;DR: Addressing character, excellence, and community with your students is a necessary part of education that should not be forgotten in a virtual setting. Strategies for addressing character, excellence, and community remotely include modeling appropriate character for our students, providing opportunities for student empowerment, and being there for one another. “Culture eats strategy for breakfast” – Peter Drucker. When wading … Read More

198: Happiness is between the ears. – Kelly Pascarella chats with us about equity in education, adapting our systems, and why happiness is between the ears.

Teach Better TeamTeach Better Talk Podcast

Kelly Pascarella chats with us about equity in education, adapting our systems, and why happiness is between the ears. Kelly’s Recommendations EdTech Tool: YouTube Books: “Qualitative Research” by Cresswell & Poth “Appreciative Inquiry Summit” by Ludema/Whitney/Morh/Griffin “The Education of an Idealist” by Samantha Powell Who to Follow on Social Media:  @elementaryblueprint  @teachbetterteam @the.holistic.psychologist  YouTube/Podcast/Website/Blog:  In ELA Land – Pernille … Read More

197: Remember why you got into this. – Derek McCoy chats with us about having the right priorities, reflecting on what we’ve learn this year, and remembering why we got into this.

Teach Better TeamTeach Better Talk Podcast

Derek McCoy chats with us about having the right priorities, reflecting on what we’ve learn this year, and remembering why we got into this.   Derek’s Recommendations EdTech Tool: Jamboard Book: “White Fragility” by Robin DiAngela Who to Follow: Darren Ellwein (@dellwein) Basil Marin (@basilmarin) Sanée Bell (@Sanee Bell) YouTube/Podcast/Website/Blog: Principal Kafele Daily/Weekly/Monthly Routine: Self care. Best piece of advice … Read More