Educator, author, and national speaker, Monica Burns, talks with us about focusing on thoughtful, strategic tech integration, and how sometimes a barrier just looks like a barrier. Monica chats with us about the importance of having a community and having conversations, and why you should eat lunch with everyone. Episode Highlights 2:30 – Monica introduces herself. 3:19 – Let’s talk about … Read More
44: Girl Boss – Dr. Rena Hawkins chats with us about the current opportunities for student leadership and student voice, and why we’re not here to compete with each other.
22 year veteran, and co-host of the ShareMOedu Podcast, Dr. Rena Hawkins, chats with us about the current opportunities for student leadership and student voice, and why we’re not here to compete with each other. Rena talks about her “Girl Boss” mentality, how “no” doesn’t always mean “no forever,” and how we all need to create our own path to … Read More
Let Spoken Word Transform Your Poetry Unit!
Don’t Fear the Poetry Unit. I don’t know about you, but the loudest collective groan to ricochet off the four walls of my classroom occurs the moment I announce the start of our poetry unit. Without fail, students go into panic mode. They offer to do double the homework for a month if we could just read another novel. I … Read More
Teaching: The Call Worth Heeding
Truth be told, teaching was not my first career choice. What a long, strange trip it’s been. Back in the early 2000s, as a young college student in Boston, I set out to be, of all things, a politician. Yes, you read that correctly. When I decided to attend Suffolk University, a medium-sized institution in the heart of Beantown, I … Read More
05: Serendipity in Education – Allyson Apsey shares her story and how we can find the beautiful lessons that are embedded in our experiences.
Elementary principal, and author, Allyson Apsey, shares her story, gives us a look into her book, and let’s us know how we can find the beautiful lessons that are embedded in our experiences. Allyson also gives us a sneak peek into one of her upcoming projects. Episode Highlights 1:55 – Allyson’s super proud to be an elementary principal. 3:36 … Read More