111: Being “The Loud One” – Delaney Brummel chats with us about being cool with being “the loud one” in her school, helping kids get comfortable sharing failures with each other, and focusing on keeping things student-centered.

Teach Better TeamTeach Better Talk Podcast

 First year teacher, Delaney Brummel, chats with us about being cool with being “the loud one” in her school, helping kids get comfortable sharing failures with each other, and focusing on keeping things student-centered. Delaney shares how she keeps a smile on every day, the power of remembering there are actual humans in our classrooms, and reminds us that … Read More

Helpful Reflection Strategies for Teachers (Video)

Rae HughartBlog, Professional Development, Video(s)

Video Highlights: Rae Hughart shares some helpful reflection strategies for teachers. We talk about reflection for our students, but we need to reflect for ourselves as well. Using multiple mediums for reflection can help influence effective reflection. A  one-on-one conversation may not be the best way for everyone. A pre-recorded video is another option. Voice memos and typing your reflection … Read More

110: It’s not what you know. – Jason Habisch chats with us about taking care of yourself, being a part of a championship team, and recruiting your own board of advisors.

Teach Better TeamTeach Better Talk Podcast

Jason Habisch chats with us about taking care of yourself, being a part of a championship team, and recruiting your own board of advisors. Jason talks about the power of reflection, leaning into a challenge and learning from it, and explains why it’s not what you know, or who you know, but both. Episode Highlights 3:11 –  Chatting about our … Read More

5 Characteristics of Strong School Leaders

Chad OstrowskiBlog, Lead Better

> In This Post: The 5 qualities successful most school leaders have. Ideas on how to become a more successful leader in your school – no matter your position! Being a school leader is about more than a title or position. It’s about imparting change and leading the vision of a school, class, or department. And it’s not always easy. In … Read More

109: Lifelong Learning. – Jorge Valenzuela chats with us about how a lot of failures equate to small successes, but a lot of little successes lead to bigger successes.

Teach Better TeamTeach Better Talk Podcast

Jorge Valenzuela chats with us about how a lot of failures equate to small successes, but a lot of little successes lead to bigger successes. Jorge shares who you should look to in order to be successful, where true happiness comes from, and lays out his 5 daily routines you need to get into. Episode Highlights 3:26 – We restart … Read More