121: Enjoy the day. – Allyson Apsey chats with us about navigating the challenges and joys of being an educator, being  yourself, and making the decision to enjoy the day.

Teach Better TeamTeach Better Talk Podcast

 Allyson Apsey chats with us about navigating the challenges and joys of being an educator, being  yourself, and making the decision to enjoy the day. Allyson shares why we need to value what our students value, not being afraid to ask questions, and how loving kids is a prerequisite for teaching. Episode Highlights 1:34 – Discussing the November #TeachBetter … Read More

Using TikTok to Build Relationships with Students

Jeremy RinkelBlog, Engage Better, Innovate Better

In This Post: A brief overview of the new trend in social media: TikTok. Using popular social media to build relationships with students. Connecting popular social media to your content area. What is TikTok? TikTok? Have you heard of it? Do you remember the app Musical.ly? While I never jumped into the Musical.ly world and I said TikTok was ridiculous, … Read More

120: #TeachBetter19 Recap – Jeff and Rae reflect on the first ever Teach Better Conference

Teach Better TeamTeach Better Talk Podcast

 We reflect on the first ever Teach Better Conference. We discuss our favorite moments, give some shoutouts, and let you in on a few secrets for 2020. Episode Highlights 0:55 – Tweet @teachbetterteam using #TeachBetter19 and let us know: How long did it take you to recover from the conference? 3:08 – Shoutout to Becky Schnekser (@schnekser) for taking … Read More

9 Tips for Mentoring

Whitney ChoateBlog, Innovate Better, Lead Better

In This Post: The importance of mentoring for both student teachers and first year teachers. Practical tips compiled from years of mentoring experience. Helpful ways to mentor new teachers and student teachers, based on mentee feedback! Mentoring is an art, much like teaching; there’s no other way to describe it. One must find a way to hone in on their … Read More