137: Think of teaching like a taco. – Kate MacFarlane chats with us about building relationships, connecting with others, and why we should think of teaching like a taco.

Teach Better TeamTeach Better Talk Podcast

 18 year veteran teacher, Kate MacFarlane, chats with us about building relationships, connecting with others, and why we should think of teaching like a taco. Episode Highlights 0:46 – Chatting about our friend, Jorge Valenzuela’s new book, “Rev Up Robotics.” Follow Jorge @jorgedoespbl. 6:39 – Previewing the episode with Kate MacFarlane (@PrimarilyKate) 9:24 – Kate introduces herself. 12:00 – … Read More

Building Better Rubrics

Chad OstrowskiBlog, Grade Better, Innovate Better, Lesson Plan Better

In This Post: An experience with a badly created rubric. What rubrics should measure… and what they shouldn’t. Ideas to include students in rubrics and assessment. Some time ago, I sat listening to presentations from my students. I paused at a student who obviously had not understood the concepts they were presenting on. The student spoke well, included the required components in … Read More

136: Still learning. – P. Sloan Joseph chats with us about being transparent, being reflective, and finding the humor in life.

Teach Better TeamTeach Better Talk Podcast

Instructional technology coach, P. Sloan Joseph, chats with us about being transparent, being reflective, and finding the humor in life. P. Sloan shares why you need to give your students, and yourself, some grace, the importance of self-care, and why you need to water the flowers, not the weeds. Episode Highlights 2:00 – What’s got Rae excited right now: The … Read More

135: Promoting education. – Katelynn Giordano chats with us about giving students an active role in learning, the power of personalized learning, and being someone who promotes education.

Teach Better TeamTeach Better Talk Podcast

6th grade ELA teacher, and Teach Better’s Digital Content Editor, Katelynn Giordano, chats with us about giving students an active role in learning, the power of personalized learning, and being someone who promotes education. Katelynn shares how she negotiates grades with her students, the power of reaching out to other educators, and why your voice matters. Episode Highlights 2:06 – … Read More

Supporting Student Productive Struggle

Teach Better TeamBlog, Innovate Better, Lead Better, Lesson Plan Better

In This Post: The definition of student productive struggle. Why productive struggle is important for students. Ways to promote productive struggle in your classroom, from planning to implementation. This week some of our school leaders and intervention professionals held a fall data meeting. One of the discussions, besides progress or increased needs, focused on the productive struggle of learners. Productive … Read More