Teachers, Write Your Own Headlines

Kelly PascarellaBlog, Connect Better, Engage Better, Reflect Better

TL;DR: Writing your own headlines can help transform negativity into a more positive light. Focus on the good. We know when we do that, the good just keeps getting better. Write Your Own Headlines! There’s a story floating around the Internet by Pastor Andy Stanley with the idea of writing your own headlines. Given the state of the world and … Read More

The Giving Tree

Teach Better TeamBlog, Connect Better, Teach Happier

TL;DR: We can learn about giving from Shel Silverstein’s children’s book, “The Giving Tree.” Recognize that you have gifts and tools that will make others happy when you share them. “The Giving Tree” by Shel Silverstein has long been a cherished book of mine. I remember when I first received the book as a gift when I was seven years … Read More

Shooting for the Moon

Kelly PascarellaBlog, Connect Better, Lesson Plan Better

TL;DR: Growth is found in risk. With each lesson, educators shoot for the moon. Educators have so many responsibilities on a day-to-day basis. Sharing resources with other educators can help you reach the moon daily. We’ve often heard the phrase, “shoot for the moon, if you miss you’ll land among the stars.” But what exactly does that mean when applied … Read More

The Value of Sharing

Teach Better TeamBlog, Connect Better

TL;DR: There is so much value in sharing that we can benefit from as educators. When we work together, we can be beacons of change to the educational system.   From our earliest years, we have been taught the value of sharing. Our parents and our teachers have guided us on how to share with one another.  For many of us, … Read More

Educator Support Networks

Kelly PascarellaBlog, Connect Better

TL;DR: Making connections with and learning from other educators helps lead to growth. Educator support systems are a fundamental part of growth. Make sure to ask for help or seek it out when you need it. As a full-time teacher, a mother of two boys and one more on the way, and a doctoral student preparing for the final defense … Read More